Back in Seville for a couple of days. The weather still hot. Some more sighteseeing around the old city to recover from the conference in Cordova.

The view from the top of the Giralda.- the Seville cathedral bell tower. The cathedral was built on a Muslim mosque and the bottom two thirds of the Giralda was formerly a minaret. Seville Cathedral dates from the early 15th century and is the third largest cathedral in the world afer St Peters in Rome and St Pauls in London.

... another view from the Giralda - looking over the Seville bullring. Bull fights are held there every Thursday night. Each fight lasts 20 minutes - six bulls are killed over a period of two hours :-(

The tomb of Christopher Columbus in the cathedral. Some controversy over whether his remains are here or in San Domingo DNA tests in 2003 supported Seville's claim.

Kirsti with a jug of Aqua de Sevilla - a mixture of wine and pineapple juice topped with whipped cream.
Mixing the Aqua de Sevilla - flamenco guitarist and singer in the background.

Some of the wall around the old city of Seville - not much is remaining.


The view from the top of Kirsti's apartment. The cathedral is in the background.
Bonjour Judee
ReplyDeleteAs an old Toreador I must kill a bull or two in Seville. Getting a little academic "largest" (as in Cathedral) is a vague term. However by any measurement (area, height, volume, max. no of occupants, etc, etc, etc) St Pauls is no where near the 2nd largest cathedral in the world. And nor is St Peters the largest cathedral ! I am tempted to question Mezquita as the second largest mosque - partly because ... it is not a mosque. Oh well sorry to be pedantic. You should continue as a happy, jet-lagged tourist, stoned on Aqua de Sevillas, happily believing the inflated superlatives of your handsome guides. Meanwhile we are stuck grumpily in cold, miserable Melbourne.
Your ever-loving Phantom