On Tuesday 30 June I travelled by train (about one and a half hours) from Seville to Cordoba for the Educational Data Mining conference (EDM'09). This 3 day conference was held at the University of Cordoba. Cordoba was even hotter than Seville - over 40 degrees during the day and not much cooler at night. There were about 60 people at the confernce. Interesting keynotes and presentations - friendly group - and great food!

The Roman bridge over the Guadalquivir. Old Cordova is in the background.
The wall around the city of Cordova.

Pavement in the old city outside the entrance to a university building.

Some interesting wiring

Flamenco guitarist and singer at the conference welcoming function held in the Alcazar del Los Reyes Cristianos. The walls were lined with mosaics from 2nd and 3rd century mosaics discovered during excavations in Cordova.
Drawing wine from a barrel at the welcoming function.
The Mezquita in Cordoba. Construction began on this mosque in the 8th century and it was extended many times to become the second largest mosque in the world. The foundations have remains from Roman times.

... and in the middle of the Mesquita is the Cordova Cathedral built in the 13th century.
The EDM'09 conference dinner. Wonderful food.

Entertainment at the conference dinner. - belly dancer and flamenco dancers, guitarist and singer.
Well done on using this blog! Photos are great. All good apart from lots of extra white space at end of last photo - did you have a cat sitting on the spacebar key?